xapian-core  1.4.27
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NXapianThe Xapian namespace contains public interfaces for the Xapian library
 CAllTermsListAbstract base class for iterating all terms in a database
 CAndMaybePostListA postlist with weights modified by another postlist
 CAndNotPostListA postlist generated by taking one postlist (the left-hand postlist), and removing any documents which are in the other (right-hand) postlist
 CBackendManagerChertBackendManager subclass for chert databases
 CBackendManagerGlassBackendManager subclass for glass databases
 CBackendManagerInMemoryBackendManager subclass for inmemory databases
 CBackendManagerMultiBackendManager subclass for multi databases
 CBackendManagerRemoteBackendManager subclass for remote databases
 CBackendManagerRemoteProgBackendManager subclass for remoteprog databases
 CBackendManagerRemoteTcpBackendManager subclass for remotetcp databases
 CBackendManagerSingleFileBackendManager subclass for singlefile databases
 CBranchPostListBase class for postlists which are generated by merging two sub-postlists
 CChertCursorA cursor pointing to a position in a Btree table, for reading several entries in order, or finding approximate matches
 CChertDatabaseA backend designed for efficient indexing and retrieval, using compressed posting lists and a btree storage scheme
 CChertDatabaseStatsChert class for database statistics
 CChertDocumentA document read from a ChertDatabase
 CChertPositionListA position list in a chert database
 CChertPostListA postlist in a chert database
 CChertRecordTableA record in a chert database
 CChertSpellingTermListThe list of words containing a particular trigram
 CChertTableClass managing a Btree table in a Chert database
 CChertTermListA TermList in a chert database
 CChertValueListChert class for value streams
 CChertVersionManages the "iamchert" file
 CChertWritableDatabaseA writable chert database
 CCollapseDataClass tracking information for a given value of the collapse key
 CCollapserTracks collapse keys and the documents they match
 CCompareSubValueListsByDocIdComparison functor which orders SubValueList* by ascending docid
 CCompareTermListsByTermComparison functor which orders TermList* by ascending term name
 CConnectionClosedClass to throw when we receive the connection closing message
 CContiguousAllDocsPostListA PostList iterating all docids when they form a contiguous range
 CDegreesMinutesSecondsAngles, split into degrees, minutes and seconds
 CDocumentValueListIteration over values in a document
 CEmptyPostListA PostList which contains no entries
 CEstimatePSPostingSource subclass for injecting tf bounds and estimate
 CExactPhrasePostListPostlist which matches an exact phrase using positional information
 CExtraWeightPostListA postlist which adds on an extra weight contribution
 CFieldInfoInformation about how to handle a field prefix in the query string
 CFreqAdderOrTermListA termlist which ORs two termlists together, adding term frequencies
 CGlassCursorA cursor pointing to a position in a Btree table, for reading several entries in order, or finding approximate matches
 CGlassDatabaseA backend designed for efficient indexing and retrieval, using compressed posting lists and a btree storage scheme
 CGlassDocumentA document read from a GlassDatabase
 CGlassPositionListA position list in a glass database
 CGlassPostListA postlist in a glass database
 CGlassSpellingTermListThe list of words containing a particular trigram
 CGlassTableClass managing a Btree table in a Glass database
 CGlassTermListA TermList in a glass database
 CGlassValueListGlass class for value streams
 CGlassVersionManages the revision files
 CGlassWritableDatabaseA writable glass database
 CInMemoryAllDocsPostListA PostList over all docs in an inmemory database
 CInMemoryAllTermsListClass for alltermslists over several databases
 CInMemoryDatabaseA database held entirely in memory
 CInMemoryDocClass representing a document and the terms indexing it
 CInMemoryDocumentA document read from a InMemoryDatabase
 CInMemoryPositionListA position list in a inmemory database
 CInMemoryPostListA PostList in an inmemory database
 CInverterClass which "inverts the file"
 CLazyWeightXapian::Weight subclass which adds laziness
 CLeafPostListAbstract base class for leaf postlists
 CMaxPostListN-way OR postlist with wt=max(wt_i)
 CMergePostListA postlist comprising postlists from different databases merged together
 CMSetPostListPostList returning entries from an MSet
 CMultiAllTermsListClass for merging AllTermsList objects from subdatabases
 CMultiAndPostListN-way AND postlist
 CMultipleMatchSpyClass which applies several match spies in turn
 CMultiValueListClass for merging ValueList objects from subdatabases
 CMultiXorPostListN-way XOR postlist
 CNearPostListPostlist which matches terms occurring within a specified window
 CNetworkPostListA postlist in a remote database
 CNetworkTermListA term list for a database on the other side of a network connection
 CNetworkTermListItemAn item in a NetworkTermList
 CNgramIteratorIterator returning unigrams and bigrams
 CNoSuchProgramException thrown if the program isn't found
 COmDocumentTermA term in a document
 COrPosPostListWrapper postlist providing positions for an OR
 COrPostListA postlist comprising two postlists ORed together
 COwnedRemoteConnectionRemoteConnection which owns its own fd(s)
 CPhrasePostListPostlist which matches a phrase using positional information
 CProgClientImplementation of RemoteDatabase using a spawned server
 CQueryBuilderRandom query builder
 CQueryBuilderEnvThe environment used by the steps when building a query
 CReadErrorException thrown if we encounter a read error
 CRemoteConnectionA RemoteConnection object provides a bidirectional connection to another RemoteConnection object on a remote machine
 CRemoteDatabaseRemoteDatabase is the baseclass for remote database implementations
 CRemoteDocumentA document read from a RemoteDatabase
 CRemoteServerRemote backend server base class
 CRemoteSubMatchClass for performing matching on a remote database
 CRemoteTcpClientTCP/IP socket based RemoteDatabase implementation
 CRemoteTcpServerTCP/IP socket based server for RemoteDatabase
 CSelectPostListA postlist parent class for classes which only return selected docs from a source postlist (e.g
 CSlowValueListSlow implementation for backends which don't streamed values
 CSOCKET_INITIALIZER_MIXINTCP/IP replication client class
 CStateParser State shared between the lexer and the parser
 CStringAndFreqCmpByFreqCompare two StringAndFrequency objects
 CStringAndFreqTermListA termlist iterator over a vector of StringAndFrequency objects
 CStringAndFrequencyA string with a corresponding frequency
 CSynonymPostListA postlist comprising several postlists SYNONYMed together
 Ctab_entryCommon string to integer map entry for option decoding
 CTermClass used to pass information about a token from lexer to parser
 CTermFreqsThe frequencies for a term
 CTermGroupA group of terms separated only by whitespace
 CTermsSome terms which form a positional sub-query
 Ctest_descStructure holding a description of a test
 Ctest_driverThe test driver. This class takes care of running the tests
 CTestFailClass which is thrown when a test case fails
 CTestRunnerA test runner, which runs the tests (implemented by subclassing it) with a variety of backends
 CTestSkipClass which is thrown when a test case is to be skipped
 CValueCountTermListA termlist iterator over the contents of a ValueCountMatchSpy
 CValueStatsClass to hold statistics for a given slot
 CValueStreamDocumentA document which gets its values from a ValueStreamManager
 CVectorTermListThis class stores a list of terms