Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- n
: Cursor
, GlassFLCursor
, testcase2
- n_bits
: Xapian::BitReader
, Xapian::BitWriter
- n_kids
: MaxPostList
, MultiAndPostList
, MultiXorPostList
- n_subqs
: synonym1_data_type
- name
: ChertTable
, ExceptionalMatchSpy
, ExceptionalPostingSource
, ExceptionalWeight
, GlassTable
, grouping
, LazyWeight
, m_pair
, MyPostingSource2
, MyWeight
, node
, option
, options
, Term
, test_desc
, Xapian::BB2Weight
, Xapian::BM25PlusWeight
, Xapian::BM25Weight
, Xapian::BoolWeight
, Xapian::CoordWeight
, Xapian::DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource
, Xapian::DLHWeight
, Xapian::DPHWeight
, Xapian::FixedWeightPostingSource
, Xapian::GreatCircleMetric
, Xapian::IfB2Weight
, Xapian::IneB2Weight
, Xapian::InL2Weight
, Xapian::LatLongDistancePostingSource
, Xapian::LatLongMetric
, Xapian::LMWeight
, Xapian::MatchSpy
, Xapian::PL2PlusWeight
, Xapian::PL2Weight
, Xapian::PostingSource
, Xapian::TfIdfWeight
, Xapian::TradWeight
, Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy
, Xapian::ValueMapPostingSource
, Xapian::ValueWeightPostingSource
, Xapian::Weight
- name_count
: analyser
- names
: analyser
- NearPostList()
: NearPostList
- need_copy_next
: Xapian::DatabaseReplica::Internal
- need_doclength
: LeafPostList
- need_positions
: QueryOptimiser
, Term
- need_stat()
: Xapian::Weight
- need_terms()
: Xapian::Document::Internal
- need_unique_terms
: LeafPostList
- need_values()
: Xapian::Document::Internal
- needle
: GrepMatchDecider
- NetworkError()
: Xapian::NetworkError
- NetworkPostList()
: NetworkPostList
- NetworkTermList()
: NetworkTermList
- NetworkTimeoutError()
: Xapian::NetworkTimeoutError
- new_first_did
: Glass::ValueUpdater
, ValueUpdater
- new_min()
: MultiAndPostList
- new_subdb()
: ValueStreamDocument
- next()
: AllTermsList
, among
, AndMaybePostList
, AndNotPostList
, ChangeMaxweightPostingSource
, Chert::PostlistChunkReader
, ChertAllDocsModifiedPostList
, ChertAllTermsList
, ChertCompact::PostlistCursor
, ChertCursor
, ChertMetadataTermList
, ChertModifiedPostList
, ChertPositionList
, ChertPostList
, ChertSpellingTermList
, ChertSpellingWordsList
, ChertSynonymTermList
, ChertTable
, ChertTermList
, ChertValueList
, CloneTestPostingSource
, ContiguousAllDocsPostList
, DocumentValueList
, EmptyPostList
, EstimatePS
, ExceptionalPostingSource
, ExternalPostList
, ExtraWeightPostList
, Glass::PostlistChunkReader
, Glass::ValueChunkReader
, GlassAllTermsList
, GlassCompact::PositionCursor
, GlassCompact::PostlistCursor
, GlassCursor
, GlassMetadataTermList
, GlassPositionList
, GlassPostList
, GlassSpellingTermList
, GlassSpellingWordsList
, GlassSynonymTermList
, GlassTable
, GlassTermList
, GlassValueList
, grouping
, include
, InMemoryAllDocsPostList
, InMemoryAllTermsList
, InMemoryPositionList
, InMemoryPostList
, InMemoryTermList
, input
, literalstring
, m_pair
, MapTermList
, MaxPostList
, MergePostList
, MSetPostList
, MultiAllTermsList
, MultiAndPostList
, MultiPostList
, MultiTermList
, MultiValueList
, MultiXorPostList
, MyDontAskWeightPostingSource
, MyOddPostingSource
, MyOddWeightingPostingSource
, MyPostingSource
, name
, NetworkPostList
, NetworkTermList
, node
, OnlyTheFirstPostingSource
, OrPositionList
, OrPosPostList
, OrPostList
, OrTermList
, Pos
, SelectPostList
, SlowDecreasingValueWeightPostingSource
, SlowValueList
, StringAndFreqTermList
, SubValueList
, SynonymPostList
, tokeniser
, ValueChunkReader
, ValueCountTermList
, ValueGePostList
, ValueRangePostList
, VectorTermList
, Xapian::DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource
, Xapian::FixedWeightPostingSource
, Xapian::LatLongDistancePostingSource
, Xapian::PositionIterator::Internal
, Xapian::PostingIterator::Internal
, Xapian::PostingSource
, Xapian::TermIterator::Internal
, Xapian::ValueIterator::Internal
, Xapian::ValuePostingSource
- next_best_weight
: CollapseData
- next_chunk()
: ChertPostList
, GlassPostList
- next_default()
: ChertTable
, GlassTable
- next_file()
: FileIndexer
- next_for_sequential()
: ChertTable
, GlassTable
- next_free_block()
: ChertTable_base
- next_helper()
: MultiAndPostList
- next_in_chunk()
: ChertPostList
, GlassPostList
- next_label
: generator
- NgramIterator()
: NgramIterator
- no_collapse_key
: Collapser
- nocommand_count
: among
- nodes
: analyser
- non_zero_inits
: CheckInitWeight
: ExceptionalMatchSpy
, ExceptionalPostingSource
, ExceptionalWeight
- normalizations
: Xapian::TfIdfWeight
- not_ctx
: Xapian::Internal::AndContext
- num_docs
: MyDontAskWeightPostingSource
, MyOddPostingSource
, MyOddWeightingPostingSource
- num_entries
: Glass::RootInfo
- num_terms
: VectorTermList
- number
: among
, node
, tokeniser
- number_of_entries
: ChertPostList
, GlassPostList
- NumberRangeProcessor()
: Xapian::NumberRangeProcessor
- NumberValueRangeProcessor()
: Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor