xapian-core  1.4.27
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CXapian::CompactorCompact a database, or merge and compact several
 CXapian::DatabaseThis class is used to access a database, or a group of databases
 CXapian::WritableDatabaseThis class provides read/write access to a database
 CXapian::DocumentA handle representing a document in a Xapian database
 CXapian::EnquireThis class provides an interface to the information retrieval system for the purpose of searching
 CXapian::ErrorAll exceptions thrown by Xapian are subclasses of Xapian::Error
 CXapian::LogicErrorThe base class for exceptions indicating errors in the program logic
 CXapian::AssertionErrorAssertionError is thrown if a logical assertion inside Xapian fails
 CXapian::InvalidArgumentErrorInvalidArgumentError indicates an invalid parameter value was passed to the API
 CXapian::InvalidOperationErrorInvalidOperationError indicates the API was used in an invalid way
 CXapian::UnimplementedErrorUnimplementedError indicates an attempt to use an unimplemented feature
 CXapian::RuntimeErrorThe base class for exceptions indicating errors only detectable at runtime
 CXapian::DatabaseErrorDatabaseError indicates some sort of database related error
 CXapian::DatabaseClosedErrorIndicates an attempt to access a closed database
 CXapian::DatabaseCorruptErrorDatabaseCorruptError indicates database corruption was detected
 CXapian::DatabaseCreateErrorDatabaseCreateError indicates a failure to create a database
 CXapian::DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError indicates failure to lock a database
 CXapian::DatabaseModifiedErrorDatabaseModifiedError indicates a database was modified
 CXapian::DatabaseOpeningErrorDatabaseOpeningError indicates failure to open a database
 CXapian::DatabaseNotFoundErrorIndicates an attempt to access a database not present
 CXapian::DatabaseVersionErrorDatabaseVersionError indicates that a database is in an unsupported format
 CXapian::DocNotFoundErrorIndicates an attempt to access a document not present in the database
 CXapian::FeatureUnavailableErrorIndicates an attempt to use a feature which is unavailable
 CXapian::InternalErrorInternalError indicates a runtime problem of some sort
 CXapian::NetworkErrorIndicates a problem communicating with a remote database
 CXapian::NetworkTimeoutErrorIndicates a timeout expired while communicating with a remote database
 CXapian::QueryParserErrorIndicates a query string can't be parsed
 CXapian::RangeErrorRangeError indicates an attempt to access outside the bounds of a container
 CXapian::SerialisationErrorIndicates an error in the std::string serialisation of an object
 CXapian::WildcardErrorWildcardError indicates an error expanding a wildcarded query
 CXapian::ESetClass representing a list of search results
 CXapian::ESetIteratorIterator over a Xapian::ESet
 CXapian::StemImplementationClass representing a stemming algorithm implementation
 CXapian::LatLongCoordA latitude-longitude coordinate
 CXapian::LatLongCoordsA sequence of latitude-longitude coordinates
 CXapian::LatLongCoordsIteratorAn iterator across the values in a LatLongCoords object
 CXapian::LatLongMetricBase class for calculating distances between two lat/long coordinates
 CXapian::GreatCircleMetricCalculate the great-circle distance between two coordinates on a sphere
 CXapian::MatchDeciderBase class for matcher decision functor
 CXapian::ValueSetMatchDeciderMatchDecider filtering results based on whether document values are in a user-defined set
 CXapian::MSetClass representing a list of search results
 CXapian::MSetIteratorIterator over a Xapian::MSet
 CXapian::ErrorHandlerDecide if a Xapian::Error exception should be ignored
 CXapian::ExpandDeciderVirtual base class for expand decider functor
 CXapian::ExpandDeciderAndExpandDecider subclass which rejects terms using two ExpandDeciders
 CXapian::ExpandDeciderFilterPrefixExpandDecider subclass which restrict terms to a particular prefix
 CXapian::ExpandDeciderFilterTermsExpandDecider subclass which rejects terms in a specified list
 CXapian::FieldProcessorBase class for field processors
 CXapian::KeyMakerVirtual base class for key making functors
 CXapian::LatLongDistanceKeyMakerKeyMaker subclass which sorts by distance from a latitude/longitude
 CXapian::MultiValueKeyMakerKeyMaker subclass which combines several values
 CXapian::MatchSpyAbstract base class for match spies
 CXapian::ValueCountMatchSpyClass for counting the frequencies of values in the matching documents
 CXapian::PostingSourceBase class which provides an "external" source of postings
 CXapian::FixedWeightPostingSourceA posting source which returns a fixed weight for all documents
 CXapian::ValuePostingSourceA posting source which generates weights from a value slot
 CXapian::LatLongDistancePostingSourcePosting source which returns a weight based on geospatial distance
 CXapian::ValueMapPostingSourceA posting source which looks up weights in a map using values as the key
 CXapian::ValueWeightPostingSourceA posting source which reads weights from a value slot
 CXapian::DecreasingValueWeightPostingSourceRead weights from a value which is known to decrease as docid increases
 CXapian::RangeProcessorBase class for range processors
 CXapian::DateRangeProcessorHandle a date range
 CXapian::NumberRangeProcessorHandle a number range
 CXapian::StopperAbstract base class for stop-word decision functor
 CXapian::SimpleStopperSimple implementation of Stopper class - this will suit most users
 CXapian::ValueRangeProcessorBase class for value range processors
 CXapian::StringValueRangeProcessorHandle a string range
 CXapian::DateValueRangeProcessorHandle a date range
 CXapian::NumberValueRangeProcessorHandle a number range
 CXapian::PositionIteratorClass for iterating over term positions
 CXapian::PostingIteratorClass for iterating over a list of terms
 CXapian::QueryClass representing a query
 CXapian::QueryParserBuild a Xapian::Query object from a user query string
 CXapian::RegistryRegistry for user subclasses
 CXapian::RSetA relevance set (R-Set)
 CXapian::StemClass representing a stemming algorithm
 CXapian::TermGeneratorParses a piece of text and generate terms
 CXapian::TermIteratorClass for iterating over a list of terms
 CXapian::Utf8IteratorAn iterator which returns Unicode character values from a UTF-8 encoded string
 CXapian::ValueIteratorClass for iterating over document values
 CXapian::WeightAbstract base class for weighting schemes
 CXapian::BB2WeightThis class implements the BB2 weighting scheme
 CXapian::BM25PlusWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the BM25+ probabilistic formula
 CXapian::BM25WeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the BM25 probabilistic formula
 CXapian::BoolWeightClass implementing a "boolean" weighting scheme
 CXapian::CoordWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing Coordinate Matching
 CXapian::DLHWeightThis class implements the DLH weighting scheme, which is a representative scheme of the Divergence from Randomness Framework by Gianni Amati
 CXapian::DPHWeightThis class implements the DPH weighting scheme
 CXapian::IfB2WeightThis class implements the IfB2 weighting scheme
 CXapian::InL2WeightThis class implements the InL2 weighting scheme
 CXapian::IneB2WeightThis class implements the IneB2 weighting scheme
 CXapian::LMWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the Language Model formula
 CXapian::PL2PlusWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the PL2+ probabilistic formula
 CXapian::PL2WeightThis class implements the PL2 weighting scheme
 CXapian::TfIdfWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the tf-idf weighting scheme
 CXapian::TradWeightXapian::Weight subclass implementing the traditional probabilistic formula