▼ xapian | |
compactor.h | Compact a database, or merge and compact several |
constants.h | Constants in the Xapian namespace |
constinfo.h | Mechanism for accessing a struct of constant information |
database.h | API for working with Xapian databases |
dbfactory.h | Factory functions for constructing Database and WritableDatabase objects |
document.h | API for working with documents |
enquire.h | API for running queries |
error.h | Hierarchy of classes which Xapian can throw as exceptions |
errorhandler.h | Decide if a Xapian::Error exception should be ignored |
eset.h | Class representing a list of query expansion terms |
expanddecider.h | Allow rejection of terms during ESet generation |
geospatial.h | Geospatial search support routines |
keymaker.h | Build key strings for MSet ordering or collapsing |
matchspy.h | MatchSpy implementation |
mset.h | Class representing a list of search results |
positioniterator.h | Class for iterating over term positions |
postingiterator.h | Class for iterating over a list of document ids |
postingsource.h | External sources of posting information |
query.h | Xapian::Query API class |
queryparser.h | Parsing a user query string to build a Xapian::Query object |
registry.h | Class for looking up user subclasses during unserialisation |
stem.h | Stemming algorithms |
termgenerator.h | Parse free text and generate terms |
termiterator.h | Class for iterating over a list of terms |
types.h | Typedefs for Xapian |
unicode.h | Unicode and UTF-8 related classes and functions |
valueiterator.h | Class for iterating over document values |
valuesetmatchdecider.h | MatchDecider subclass for filtering results by value |
version.h | Define preprocessor symbols for the library version |
weight.h | Weighting scheme API |
xapian.h | Public interfaces for the Xapian library |