Abstract base class for postlists.
map< Xapian::docid, pair< char, Xapian::termcount > > mods
Modifications to apply to the ChertPostList.
Xapian::termcount wdf_upper_bound
Upper bound on wdf for this postlist.
ChertModifiedPostList(Xapian::Internal::intrusive_ptr< const ChertDatabase > this_db_, const string &term_, const map< Xapian::docid, pair< char, Xapian::termcount > > &mods_, Xapian::termcount wdf_upper_bound_)
PositionList * poslist
Pointer to PositionList returned from read_position_list to be deleted.
Postlists in chert databases.
map< Xapian::docid, pair< char, Xapian::termcount > >::const_iterator it
Modifications to apply to the ChertPostList.
A postlist in a chert database.