21 #ifndef XAPIAN_INCLUDED_MSETPOSTLIST_H 22 #define XAPIAN_INCLUDED_MSETPOSTLIST_H 56 : cursor(-1), mset_internal(mset.internal),
57 decreasing_relevance(decreasing_relevance_) { }
bool decreasing_relevance
Is the sort order such the relevance decreases down the MSet?
Abstract base class for postlists.
const std::string * get_sort_key() const
Xapian::doccount get_termfreq_min() const
Get a lower bound on the number of documents indexed by this term.
MSetPostList(const MSetPostList &)
Don't allow copying.
void operator=(const MSetPostList &)
Don't allow assignment.
Class representing a list of search results.
Xapian::docid get_docid() const
Return the current docid.
Abstract base class for postlists.
bool at_end() const
Return true if the current position is past the last entry in this list.
A counts of terms.
std::string get_description() const
Return a string description of this object.
double recalc_maxweight()
Recalculate the upper bound on what get_weight() can return.
double get_maxweight() const
Return an upper bound on what get_weight() can return.
int cursor
The MSet element that this PostList is pointing to.
Internal * next()
Advance the current position to the next document in the postlist.
PostList returning entries from an MSet.
Xapian::termcount get_doclength() const
Not implemented for MSetPostList.
const std::string * get_collapse_key() const
If the collapse key is already known, return it.
double get_weight() const
Return the weight contribution for the current position.
Xapian::doccount get_termfreq_est() const
Get an estimate of the number of documents indexed by this term.
Xapian::doccount get_termfreq_max() const
Get an upper bound on the number of documents indexed by this term.
unsigned XAPIAN_DOCID_BASE_TYPE doccount
A count of documents.
MSetPostList(const Xapian::MSet mset, bool decreasing_relevance_)
Xapian::Internal::intrusive_ptr< Xapian::MSet::Internal > mset_internal
The MSet::Internal object which we're returning entries from.
Xapian::termcount get_unique_terms() const
Return the number of unique terms in the current document.
A unique identifier for a document.
PostList * skip_to(Xapian::docid did, double w_min)
Not meaningful for MSetPostList.