75 #endif // XAPIAN_INCLUDED_BACKENDMANAGER_REMOTEPROG_H void operator=(const BackendManagerRemoteProg &)
Don't allow assignment.
BackendManagerRemoteProg(const BackendManagerRemoteProg &)
Don't allow copying.
const std::string & get_dbtype() const
Get the database type currently in use.
Xapian::Database get_database_by_path(const std::string &path)
Get RemoteProg Xapian::Database instance of database at path.
This class is used to access a database, or a group of databases.
unsigned timeout
A timeout value in milliseconds.
Xapian::WritableDatabase get_writable_database(const std::string &name, const std::string &file)
Create a RemoteProg Xapian::WritableDatabase object indexing a single file.
Xapian::Database get_remote_database(const std::vector< std::string > &files, unsigned int timeout)
Create a RemoteProg Xapian::Database with the specified timeout.
BackendManager subclass for remote databases.
Base class for backend handling in test harness.
std::string last_wdb_name
The path of the last writable database used.
This class provides read/write access to a database.
Xapian::WritableDatabase get_writable_database_again()
Create a WritableDatabase object for the last opened WritableDatabase.
BackendManager subclass for remoteprog databases.
Xapian::WritableDatabase get_remote_writable_database(std::string args)
Create a RemoteProg Xapian::WritableDatabase object with specified args.
BackendManagerRemoteProg(BackendManager *sub_manager_)
Xapian::Database do_get_database(const std::vector< std::string > &files)
Create a Xapian::Database object indexing multiple files.
Class for iterating over a list of document ids.
BackendManager subclass for remote databases.
Xapian::Database get_writable_database_as_database()
Create a Database object for the last opened WritableDatabase.