xapian-core  1.4.27
expand Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for expand:


file  bo1eweight.cc [code]
 Xapian::Bo1EWeight class - The Bo1 scheme of the DFR framework for query expansion.
file  esetinternal.cc [code]
 Xapian::ESet::Internal class.
file  esetinternal.h [code]
 Xapian::ESet::Internal class.
file  expandweight.cc [code]
 Calculate term weights for the ESet.
file  expandweight.h [code]
 Collate statistics and calculate the term weights for the ESet.
file  ortermlist.cc [code]
 Merge two TermList objects using an OR operation.
file  ortermlist.h [code]
 Merge two TermList objects using an OR operation.
file  tradeweight.cc [code]
 Xapian::TradEWeight class - The TradWeight scheme for query expansion.